District 14 Rank Achievers
New Club Master Marilyn Godby (April 14, 2023)
You were so kind to send me a "congratulations message" when I achieved my Junior Master level in bridge last October. I met you at the tournament last October, and I told you that I would send you an email with my "bridge story." I guess that "life happened" with me (everything is good - just traveling a lot and playing bridge a lot!). But, here is my story. And, I’ll try to send you a picture - probably in a separate email.
I started playing party bridge in 1971. My husband was a brand new 2nd Lt in the Air Force, and about 8 of us started playing bridge because it was inexpensive entertainment! There was one couple with whom we played a LOT of bridge. Linda & I were teachers, and our husbands were missile launch officers in the Air Force. So, our husbands would pull an alert, and then they would have 3-4 days off before the next alert. So, we'd let them catch up on their sleep, and then we'd play bridge. Sometimes we would play bridge until 2-3 in the morning, and then Linda & I would have to go teach!
As the years and military assignments kept changing, bridge remained a constant for us. Then, in 1991 we just stopped playing bridge. I was the assistant director of bands at Papillion LaVista High School, and I was VERY busy. My husband was approaching retirement from the Air Force, and our lives just "re-focused," I guess. So, I played ZERO bridge from 1991 - 2021, and I’d never even heard of Duplicate Bridge!
In January 2015, we received devastating news. My husband was diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer. Because of some complications, he also had to have both legs amputated below the knee about three years after the cancer diagnosis… We were literally childhood sweethearts. We had been in each other's lives since the 7th grade of school… My husband lost his courageous battle on October 24, 2019.
Starting in 2010 and ending in 2019, I had been the primary caregiver for 3 family members - my sister, my mother, and finally my husband. So, when he died in 2019, I was kind of in a "fog" for awhile. I had been so busy taking care of my loved ones that I think I had lost track of how to take care of myself.
Then, in July of 2021, I had a life changing event. I had a heart attack. The artery that is known as the "widow maker" was 99% blocked in my heart. I knew something was REALLY wrong with me, and I got to the ER quickly. If I had delayed, I probably wouldn’t have survived…
So…you are probably wondering what all of this has to do with me now playing Duplicate Bridge! Well…when I was at cardiac rehab shortly after my heart attack, I ran into a bridge & fellow teaching friend whom I hadn’t seen in literally MANY years. She asked me if I was still playing bridge, and I told her I hadn’t played in over 30 years. She explained that she was now playing Duplicate, and thought that I’d really enjoy it, too. So, I started playing in two different non-sanctioned duplicate groups. And, I caught the "duplicate fever!"
I played in my first sanctioned game in March 2022. And, I got my first points (.49!!) on March 30, 2022! I received my Junior Master ranking in October 2022. At the end of 2022, I had 10.44 points, and I was THRILLED!
As of today (April 14, 2023), I have 19.98 points. So, I am going to become a Club Master soon! I have played in Omaha, Bellevue, and Winter Haven (Florida). I will be playing in my 2nd tournament this month (April 2023).
I have been blessed to sit across the bridge table from some REALLY good bridge players (many Life Masters), and they have taught me SO much. It was a challenge going from the party bridge mentality to duplicate, and these great and knowledgeable players have helped me with this transition. Needless to say, I still have myriads to learn. But, I’m SO enjoying the journey!
Playing Duplicate Bridge has literally "kept me going," and has blessed me in so many ways. I have met so many new friends, too! As I said earlier, I was kind of "lost" after my husband's death. And, then my heart attack further complicated my life. I have a VERY close knit family, and they thankfully all live within 20 minutes of me. And, I’m very busy doing many things with my two daughters, their husbands, and my five grandkids. But, I still had a BIG void in my life, and way too much "down time." So, sitting in a duplicate game a "few" times each week has been wonderful for my soul and my mind!
I saw a couple of bridge sayings when I was in Florida this winter. One was: "Keep calm and bid 7NT." The 2nd was: "Bridge is a noun. It's pretty much the greatest thing in the world. Exclusively reserved for the highly intelligent and impossibly good looking!" And, to those two great quotes, I simply say: "Amen and AMEN!"
Marilyn Godby
New Advanced NABC Master Carol Larsen (April 7, 2023)
April 7, 2023
Thanks for the congratulations!
I wish I could come up with an answer as how to get more people into the game of bridge.
Our party bridge is down to one table in Stephen, MN. All the small towns around have completely lost their bridge groups. We have reached out for new players but have no takers.
Our Grafton, ND Duplicate moved to East Grand Forks, MN without any new players in sight there either. I don’t know what the answer is to gain the interest of new players. If you come up with something please spread the word.
Carol Larson
New Club Master William Green (April 7, 2023)
April 7, 2023
Thanks for your email. I have been the beneficiary of good partners and the Bridge House is good but friendly competition.
New Junior Master Susan Seamands (March 19, 2023)
March 19, 2022
I have always wanted to learn to play Bridge. Shortly after retiring, I learned the Bluffs Bridge Club was offering beginner lessons in September 2021 at the YMCA Center for Healthy Living here in Council Bluffs. The Club, which has now grown to over 80 members on its roster, was graciously founded in September 2019 by two very generous sponsors: Dr. Ted Hoff and Dr. Richard "Dick" Miller. Both gave their financial support to launch the Club and continue to be familiar, friendly faces each week. Pierre Flatowicz, who has himself earned over 14,000 Master Points, is our energetic Director and offers a free lesson each Thursday prior to the weekly 11:30 am game session.
Although I was brand new to the game, I (perhaps naively) started playing on Thursdays with the Club in November 2021 and have not looked back since. The Club also offered intermediate lessons in the Spring of 2022 which I eagerly joined. I am ever grateful to our Club founders and Director as well as the many others who serve the Club in other capacities.
I would invite anyone who enjoys the game to consider joining us each Thursday. Dr. James Rochelle also offers an informal (and free) learning session on Fridays from 9-12 at the same location. This is a great opportunity to review the previous day’s hands in a more relaxed setting. See you all there soon!
Thanks Deana
New Junior Master Bill Engelter (January 8, 2023)
January 8, 2023
New Junior Master Bill Engelter
Thank you for your email about my obtaining the Junior Master Status. I have been playing bridge on and off for the past 2 plus years. Most recently, playing in a relax Friday group, which is very social and has been a learning experience. Occasionally the Bismarck group gets together for a holiday event where there is several tables and we go head to head with a partner in a truly duplicate game. I have been fortunate to have had a partner and acquired most of my success. (Computer hands are used). It has been difficult to understand the point system and sometimes in analyzing how I gathered points does not make sense. I enjoy the social part of Bridge and most of the time those who I am playing with. At age 78, my mind is challenged and I enjoy that part of the bridge game. I have read some of the new conventions and feel that at my beginning level, I need to work on the basics . You need to have regular partner and you both should be willing to use them. Thank you again for the opportunity to obtain the Junior Master Status.
Bill Engelter
New NABC Master Charles Tarvin (January 7, 2023)
January 7, 2023
Thank you for congratulating me on my accomplishment and thank you for serving as our representative from District 14.
Charles Tarvin
New Diamond Life Master Bill Voedisch (November 7, 2022)
November 7, 2022
Well, my first duplicate game was in September 1967. This past week I played in Club game with the same partner. 55 years together. He is Denny Cerkvenik.
We won many regional titles together but 5 district titles in GNT and NAP was our biggest thrill. About as many runner-up finishes.
We didn't always agree but never a harsh word between us.
New Junior Life Master David Ha (October 15, 2022)
October 15, 2022
New Junior Master David Ha
Hi Deana,
I'd be honored to be featured in your story!
I played bridge for a bit before COVID, but got back into it last year, I was just meeting once a week to play it casually. Then I got the lucky opportunity to travel to Providence and compete in the Collegiate Nationals. It was an amazing experience and it was really cool to talk to players my age who had been playing bridge competitively for years and were very passionate about the game. That trip inspired me to start playing more seriously and regularly online, and I've been enjoying it immensely. I hope to continue playing bridge for years to come.